Wednesday 27 April 2016

Soft Clay, Cabochons, Piping

Recently, I've been spending more time doing what I like most, creating, hands-on craft. Last week, I was "drilling" Fluttershy's head, transforming her from a toy figurine to a necklace. And this week, I've finished all my orders and had a little break. I decided that my silicone mould is in the storage for too long and needed to make use of them to come out with something useful.
Using silicone moulds, I decided to use soft clay to make my own Cabochons
Few months back, I've bought this silicone moulds and epoxy solution wanting to use them to make resins cabochons but I've yet started really making them. I've tried once but they dry and harden at a very slow pace and the mixing of the solution A & B can be..... a little messy. So with this little free time I have, I've took out my soft clay and started moulding them in cabochons I could use on my decoden.

 The 100% HAND MADE cabochon is actually using a mould, supposingly to make my own soap, but who knows, I'm now using it make cabochons instead. Isn't it cool??
Painted some of them to give them the contrast colour
 I have some "Channel", "LV", "Adidas" mould and instead of using 2 different soft clay to have a different colour, I used acrylic paint to create the contrast colour here. That's suppose the "Channel" signature black and white colour isn't it? Same for the Adidas logo. I'm so excited about them. Can't wait to start creating cute decoden cases with them.
Added some glitter on the crown cabochons.... so pretty!!!
 So as you can see from the above photo, I've used white and sky blue soft clay to make different cabochons, I have the alphabets, hearts, ribbon and bow, crown and tiara. Same shapes are easier to make but some may break easily while removing them from the mould. So this is very delicate and soft work. If i'm going to press too hard on the soft clay cabochon, it's going to be out of the shape I wanted it to be. Being experimenting and always wanting something different, I've tried to apply glue and glittered the crown to give it a little "bling bling" look. Loving it so much.

You can create your own cabochons if you want to by using shapers and tools for soft clay. I wanted it to be more uniform and more consistent in terms of size therefore I uses the mould instead. It's more cost effective in terms of the time consumed to make these.
Practising my piping skills with white simulation cream 
 After doing as many cabochons I can, I took all of them out from the moulds and set them aside to set. While waiting, I decided to do some practising on piping of the simulation cream on a used iphone 6plus silicone case. This needs a lot of concentration, good timing and consistent strength. Most importantly, strong fingers to be able to squeeze out the simulation cream.

My right thumb is sore by the time I reached the middle of row four. That's when I decided to take a short break and "snap snap".

Keeping a record on the progress is something that I lack doing and will probably consider taking video instead in the near future.

While piping all the way down to the bottom of the phone, I started placing the "almost" set soft clay cabochons to decorate the phone case along the way. There is no sequence, no order, just free flow of ideas what to put and where to place.
And wahlah!!! So pretty!!! So in wedding mood.
After this is completed, I thought maybe that's it, end of creation. Later I decided to add on, more " bling bling". Rhinestones and acrylic diamonte, they just made it look more sophisticated than just sweet.

Don't you think it just look like a wedding cake?

With some editing on the photo, I'm presenting this decoden iphone 6/6S plus casing. Will be ready to use once the simulation cream is cured.

Edited by Snapeee app on my iphone 

I'm hoping to practice more piping skills and techniques and have more improvised version of decoden for sale and of cos to place My Little Pony onto them.

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